Avex project doesn’t run (incompatible node js and npm version) SOLVED

Forums How to solve Avex project doesn’t run (incompatible node js and npm version) SOLVED

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  • #1194

    The avex project didnt run on Visual Studio after cloning and trying: “npm run start” and following the steps on this documentation: https://docs.2rmlab.com/books/dokumentime-teknike-web/page/si-te-instalojme-nuxtjs

    The solution: 1. Unistall Node.js from Control Panel then locate your chocolatey folder. Ex: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey .

    2. Delete the chocolatey folder in your pc

    3. Download a compatible version of Node js for the Project ( Ex used in this scenario: was Node.js v18.7.0) link: https://nodejs.org/download/release/v18.7.0/

    (dont forget to tick the button to install the additional files required inside the node.js setup)

    4. open the project terminal and try: npm run start

    5. if the project doenst run delete the files below:


    (node_modules , package-lock.json)



    6. after deleting the folder/file , type in the terminal:

    npm cache clean –force

    npm install

    npm run start

    7. In case the packets dont correspond with the node version:

    npm install eslint –save-dev
    npm uninstall @nuxt/utils consola
    npm install consola@2.15.0
    npm install @nuxt/utils@2.16.0
    npm uninstall @nuxt/cli
    npm install @nuxt/cli@2.14.5
    npm install nuxt@2.15.8
    npm run start

    8. If the project still doesnt run, type in the terminal:

    npm install –save-dev @babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object

    npm run generate

    9. type in terminal:

    npm run start

    10. stop the project with CTRL + C, then type this in the terminal to get the latest update:


    npm run dev

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